Wednesday, December 31, 2008

AUN O MUHAMMAD -- sons of lionhearted daughter of IMAM ALI (a.s)

 Aun o Mohammad --- Sons of Lionhearted daughter of Imam Ali (A.S).

Aun (a.s.) and Muhammad (a.s.) were the sons of Hazrat Zainab (s.a.). They had not
accompanied Bibi Zainab (s.a.) when she left Madina with Imam Hussain (a.s.). Just
before Imam Hussain (a.s.) started his journey from Mecca, Hazrat Abdullah
ibn-e-Jaffer (a.s.) brought his two sons to Mecca and handing them over to Imam
Hussain (a.s.) said, "Ya Imam, since you have decided to go and will not allow me to
come with you, please take my two sons with you. Aun (a.s.) will represent his
maternal grandfather Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and Mohammad (a.s.) will represent his
paternal grandfather Hazrat Jaffer-e-Tayyaar (a.s.)". He then went to Bibi Zainab
(s.a.) and said, "I have brought to you our two sons to go with you. In the time of
difficulty on our Maula Hussain, give one son as sadqa from your side and the other
one as sadqa from my side".

Aun (a.s.) and Muhammad (a.s.) were quite young. It is reported that Aun (a.s.) was
about thirteen and Muhammad (a.s.) was a year or two younger. They had learnt the art
of fencing from their uncle, Hazrat Abbas (a.s.).

On the night before Ashura Bibi Zainab (s.a.) said to them, "My sons, tomorrow there
will be a battle. I can not ask you to fight because you are young. But if anything
happens to Imam Hussain (a.s.), while you are still alive, I will be filled with
shame." Both the boys stood up and said "Mother, we have the blood of Ali (a.s.) and
Jaffer (a.s.) in our veins.

Our grand fathers were warriors whose fame will always be remembered. Do you think we
can possibly shame them? More over we are the pupils of Uncle Abbas (a.s.). Mother,
unless you forbid us and stop us from fighting, we shall go to the battlefield and
show the enemies of Islam how bravely the children of Islam can fight. All we want
from you is a promise that you will never weep for us. Or souls will never rest in
peace if you grieve for us after we are gone".

Tears of joy and pride flowed down Bibi Zainab's (s.a.) eyes as she embraced her two
boys. In the morning during the general attacks from the enemy, Aun (a.s.) and
Muhammad (a.s.) fought side by side with Ali Akber (a.s.), Qasim (a.s.) and Hazrat
Abbas (a.s.). Every time either of them succeeded in felling an enemy, he would look
proudly at Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) who would smile and nod his approval. Imam Hussain
(a.s.) would not, however, give the two boys permission to go for single combat.
They were very disappointed.

They came to their mother for help. Bibi Zainab (s.a.) sent someone to request Imam
Hussain (a.s.) to come to her tent., When the Imam (a.s.) came Bibi Zainab (s.a.)
said, "Hussain, at the battle of Siffeen Abbas was only nine years old. When he saw
someone trying to attack you, he rushed into the battle field and killed the man. Do
you remember how proud our father Ali was? Today I too want to be proud of my sons.
I want to see them go out there and defend Islam. Will you not allow me that

Imam Hussain (a.s.) stood there in silence. He looked at his sister. He saw the
disappointment on her face. He saw tears forming around her eyes. He put his arms
around the two boys and led them to their horses. He kissed them and then helped them
mount. "Go," said Imam (a.s.), "Go, and show the world how those as young as you can
fight the injustice and oppression of Yazid!" Then he turned round and lifted the
curtain of the tent. The boys raised their hands and said "Fi Amaani-llah, mother!"
Bibi Zainab (s.a.) replied, "Bismillah my sons. Allah be with you!"

The two boys rode out into the battlefield. They fought bravely. At one point Umar
ibn-e-Sa'ad asked, "Who are these two youngsters? They fight like I have seen Ali
ibne Abu Taalib fight." When he was told who they were he ordered his soldiers to
give up single combats and surround and kill the boys. Aun (a.s.) and Muhammad (a.s.)
were attacked from all sides. Soon they were over-powered and brutally killed. Imam
Hussain (a.s.) and Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) carried the two young bodies to a tent and
laid them on the floor.

Imam (a.s.) walked to Bibi Zainab's (s.a.) tent. He found her in sijdah praying,
"Ya Allah, I thank you for accepting my sacrifice. My heart is filled with pride
because my two sons have given their lives for your religion."

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ashura differs from one city to city, but a silken thread that binds each city is Imam Hussein, every city has its cultural ethnicity woven into the Azadari (rituals) of Hussein, but the cry of Ya Hussein remains the same.

The tears that drop like raindrops from eyes of the Shia's are universally the same, a precious drop that will ask for salvation on the Day of Judgment.Once again month of Muharram has arrived and Shias Muslims around the world will be dress in black.

The mosques will be jam-packed and decorated in black wall coverings with flags (A'lam) and replica shrines (Taziyas). Majalises (Assemblies) will be held every night during the first twelve days with poetic recitations such as marsiya, noha, latmiya and speeches pertaining to the martyrdom of Hussein-Ibne Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Muharum is a time to remember and mourn the sacrifices that Imam Husain, his kith and kin underwent to defend Islam.

Muharrum an important period of mourning in the Shite branch of Islam..This event starts at the 1st day of Muharram and continues for 10 days until 10th of Muharram, which is, know as Yawm-e-Ashura.

Imam's Hussein last words to his sister Zainab(s.a) were "Convey my Salutations( salaams) to all Muslims and put your trust in Allah and know that human being is born to die, and nothing will remain, everything shall pass away except the presence of His Almighty Allah." Imam then rode his horse into the face of Yazid's army to give his last sermon.

Hussain is the king, indeed he is the king of kings
Hussain is Deen and also the protector of Deen
He gave his head but not his hand of allegiance in the hand of Yazid
Indeed he was the founder (Like his grandfather) of the concept of One God.

Every day is Ashura and every land is Kerbala

O Allah! Hasten the reappearance of our master Imam-e-Zamaana (a.t.f.s.) and enlist us among his helpers and soldiers! Aameen

Remember us in your Duas & pray for all our Marhumins

Monday, December 22, 2008


We send our congratulations to our Twelfth Imam and the Fourteenth Infallible, the living Hujjah, Imam Muhammed Al-Mahdi (AS), our righteous scholars and Ulama, and to the Muslim world on the happy and Marvelous Eid,

May I take this opportunity to wish you,
your family, friends and loved ones,
A Happy, Blessed and Peaceful Eid-Al-Mubahala
Wishing everyone a very Happy Eid Al-Mubahala
May Almighty Lord showers His choicest blessing on us all.
May the BRIGHT LIGHT of the festival fill you & your family with the Light of Joy, Peace, Health, Wealth and Happiness

This is the day of victory of Muslims over Christians and was such an important event that ever since it is celebrated as a day of Eid by Muslims. The event of Mubahala occurred in the 10th of Hijrah

When we study the event of Mubahila and the outcome, we can conclude it is a day of ‘celebration’ and ‘happiness’ for those who choose to follow the message of Rasulullah as expounded by the Ahlul Bayt. In order to understand why this day is one of “Eid”, we need to review the historical account of what had transpired prior to the event taking place.

As was the directive of Allah to His Prophet, he was constantly writing letters to the various religious leaders inviting them to salvation and the path of prosperity – Islam. Some accepted his call while others remained headstrong and on their own path. One such invitation was to the Christians of Najran, situated in Yemen. They decided to meet with the Messenger of Allah in Madina and to discuss the issue of Prophet Jesus (Isa) with him directly and to get more information on the Prophet Muhammad’s ‘new’ faith.

Arriving in Madina, they began their debates with the Prophet and asked him numerous questions which culminated with the status of Jesus. The Christians of Najran asked about the Muslim stance to which, through the Divine Words of Allah of the Qur’an, the Prophet replied, “Surely the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him 'Be', and he was. (This is) the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputers.” (3:59-60)

Not happy with the Muslim response on the status of Jesus, the Qur’anic revelation came down which proclaimed: “Should anyone argue with you (Muhammad) concerning him, after the knowledge has come to you, say, ‘Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down God’s curse upon the liars.” (3:61)

The Noble Prophet had read the Qur’anic verse to the Christian delegation inviting them to a ‘Mubahala’ – a session in which the wrath of Allah is prayed upon those who are unjust and covering the truth. The Christians consulted with each other and ultimately announced their acceptance of the challenge.

Early the next morning, the Noble Prophet sent Salman al-Farsi to the open field which had been chosen just outside of Madina for this historic event. He was asked to set up a small shelter for the Prophet and those he intended to take along with him for the contest. When the Prophet, on the morning of 24th of Dhul Hijjah emerged from his sacred abode, he was seen holding Imam Husain in his arms, clutching the tiny hand of Imam Hasan, his beloved daughter Fatima in the assembly followed by Ali ibne Abi Talib.

Upon seeing such personalities making their way to the field of the Mubahilah, the head of the Christian delegation proclaimed, “Verily I see a divine light on the face of our combatants; I see such faces that were they to pray to their God, they would be able to make the mountains move from their spots! Therefore beware! Never try to contest with them, otherwise you will perish and the entire nation of Christians will succumb to extinction!”

With this, the Christians of Najran gave up the opportunity to participate in the Mubahilah and submitted to the Prophet as minorities living in Muslim lands. This event, in all of its greatness and splendor gives us the following things to seriously think about:

  1. The status of Islam as THE FINAL and ONLY religion. If “religious pluralism” existed (in the definition which is being promoted today), what need was there for this event to transpire?
  2. This event clearly laid down the rule that Allah is the sole authority on deciding affairs of the religion – there is no ‘consultation’ process when it comes to key issues of the faith and its actual shaping and formation.
  3. The status of four individuals of the family of the Prophet was laid down – these were to be the Ahlu’l Bayt – and this select group never included and shall never include the wives nor any of the companions – no matter how good they happen to be.
  4. Ali was judged as being the “self” of the Prophet – not an outside individual who happened to be in the family of the Prophet – rather, his level and status was that he was “equal” to the Prophet.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Eid-E-Ghadir :
Eid-E-Ghadir (I'd-Al-Ghadir) which is on the 18th of the Zilhajj (Lunar Calendar) is one of the most celebrated event by Shiite Moslems. The event of Ghadir means the nomination of Moula Ali by the Prophet Mohammad(p.b.u.h) as his successor.

"Whomever I am his master, Ali is his master too. He is my Caliph (successor) upon you after me.”
“O Lord support whoever supports Ali and oppose whoever opposes him."

It was the tradition of all the prophets to nominate their successors in compliance with the order of God and regardless of the approval of their followers. To the Moslems, Ghadir-e-Khum is the famous place where the Prophet Mohammad revealed his final message that he would be succeeded by Saint (Hazrat) Ali. The Arabic word "Ghadir" means pond and Khum is the particular pond located about 90 Kilometers (54 miles) northwest of Mecca in the heart of the desert called "Sahra -e- Hujfah".
As Prophet Mohammad arrived at Ghadir-e-Khum, he heard the voice of Archangel Gabriel and the signs of revelation appeared. As Prophet heard the Angel, he asked to recite Azan (or Adhan, prayers that the muezzin will say to gather Moslems to the mosque) with addition of words "Hayya'ala Khair il'amal which means hasten towards the best of deeds.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Eid-ul-Adha: The Feast or Festival of Sacrifice in Islam

On account of the enormous society of Muslims throughout the world, devoted and united, the Hajj ceremony is a huge international congregation. It can be the groundwork for a deep, meaningful connection among Muslims.

Muslims of the world who gather for the Hajj ceremonies can and should look into the difficulties of the Muslim world, strengthen unity among the followers of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), and seek solutions for the difficulties of Muslims. It is an opportunity to come to know the enemies of Islam and of Muslims.

Likewise, in the Ramyeh Jamareh ceremony (throwing stones at the devil) they must seek to exorcise the devil, paying heed that this devil is of two kinds: the devil that resides within the self, and the devil of oppression.

The face of the idol of our times is different from the idol of the origin of Islam. But in character, it is the same idol. Our present-day idol is materialism, which we must shatter in ourselves. And the outer devil is worldly oppression. This devil endeavors to cause a rift among Muslims, rendering them strangers and enemies to each other. It endeavors to widen differences among Muslims, lead them to wage war against each other, and cause them to use their capital in war rather than in the reconstruction of their societies. This kind of oppression seeks to plunder Muslims wealth and annihilate them.

It is up to Muslims in this great international gathering to deliver themselves from polytheists, false deities and global oppressors. Muslims should become united all the more and come to know their enemies better. This is the political side of the pilgrimage. This is why all oppressors oppose demonstrations at Makkah: they say that we must keep politics and religion separate; we say that to eschew oppression is part of our religion.

"A Hajj without bera'at-e-moshrekin (eschewing non-believers) is no Hajj". Imam Khomeini (R.A.)

Eid ul-Adha is second in the series of Eid festivals that Muslims celebrate across the world. It is also referred to as the "Big Bayram" (from Turkish) or "Big Feast." Eid ul-Adha is known as Hari Raya Haji in Singapore and Malaysia, and Tabaski in West Africa. In India, the animal used most often for sacrifice is the goat - which is why the occasion is spoken of in Urdu language as Bakrid or Eid-e-Qurban.

On this day Muslims sacrifice animals which have been deemed Halaal, or fit for sacrifice. They not only eat the meat themselves but distribute it amongst their neighbors, relatives and the poor and hungry.

It is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja of the lunar Islamic calendar, after Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia. The underlying flavor is the spirit of sacrifice or Qurbani, commemorating Prophet Abraham's great act of faith many centuries ago. Almighty God put Abraham to a most difficult trial, the details of which are described in the Qur'an. During this day, men, women, and children are expected to dress in their finest clothing. For the millions at Hajj, it is a big day. On this day, the pilgrims reach the grounds of Mina where they sacrifice an animal. It was here that Abraham is believed to have sacrificed his son Ishmael. The pilgrims then shave their heads.

The charitable instincts of the Muslim community are demonstrated during Eid ul-Adha by the concerted effort to see that no impoverished Muslim is left without sacrificial food during this day. Coming immediately after the Day of Arafat (when Prophet Muhammad pronounced the final seal on the religion of Islam), Eid ul-Adha gives concrete realization to what the Muslim community ethic means in practice.

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as), “As long as the Ka’bah is standing, the religion (of al-Islam) will remain standing.”

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shahadat of H.Muslim Bin Aqil (a.s)

Our deepest condolences to the Muslim Ummah and especially to the lovers of Ahlul Bait A.S.,
On the death anniversary of Imam Husein's Ambassador and
the first martyr of the epic battle of Karbala - Janabe Muslim a.s.

Shahadat of H. Muslim Bin Aqil (A.S.)

Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, summoned Muslim bin Aqil and dispatched him to Kufa. Muslim, the mercy of God be on him, departed until he came to Medina. There he prayed in the mosque of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, and said farewell to the dearest members of his family.

May Allah hasten the re appearance of our 12th Imam, Imam Mehdi, and we pray to Allah to give us the faith to be alongside the Imam when he establishes justice in the world...

Remember us in your Duas & pray for all our Marhumins

Friday, December 5, 2008

Imam Baqer (as): A Perfect Example of Behavior and Moral Aspects

Imam Baqer (a.s) : was the great grandson of imam ali ibne abi talib (a.s)

One day a man came to Imam Baqer (as), fifth Imam of the Shiites and asked him a very interesting question.

Man: Please tell me if how much power has Allah (SWT) given to us human beings? Is it that Allah (SWT) has given us absolute power, no power at all or limited power?

Imam Baqer (as): Please stand up. The man stands up. Now keep your one foot in the air. He does that.

Imam Baqer (as): Now keep your other foot in air.

Man: I cannot do that. I will fall down.

Imam Baqer (as): Allah (SWT) has given you this much power. You are not given the complete power and you are not made powerless either.

imam baqer (a.s) : a momin (a believer in a divine law) is the brother of another momin

Imam Baqer (as), fifth Imam of the Shiites related: Once, a group of Muslims had set off on a journey, but in the course of their travel, they lost their way. Their supplies were soon exhausted and they were overcome by intense thirst.

With no water in sight and imagining their end to be near, they put on their shrouds and sat down, resting themselves against the trees.

Suddenly, an old man in white apparels approached them and said: "Arise, for you have nothing to fear. Here is some water for you."

They scrambled for the water and drank to their fill after which, turning to the old man, they said, "May Allah (SWT) have mercy upon you! Who are you?"

"I belong to the Jinn community, who had pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). I had heard the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) say: A Momin (believer in the Divine Law) is the Brother of another Momin (believer in the Divine Law). He is his eyes and his guide (too). I could not allow you to die of thirst, while I was here."

  • Note: 5th Imam, Imam Mohammad Ibn Ali (pbuh) received the title of Baqir (Splitter of knowledge) due to his ample knowledge of Deen and his enthusiasm to teach to other people.

    Imam Jaffar as Sadiq (AS) said: A believer is the brother and guide of another believer. He does not betray or oppress him, nor does he ever cheat his brother. A believer never breaks his promise.

    "Be truthful and righteous. A truthful and righteous man is a partner in the wealth of others".

  • May Allah hasten the re appearance of our 12th Imam, Imam Mehdi, and we pray to Allah to give us the faith to be alongside the Imam when he establishes justice in the world...

    remember us in your duas

    Saturday, November 29, 2008

    1st ZilHijjah 1429 A.H. - Anniversary of the marriage of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Bibi Fatima Zahra(s.a.)

    We wish to extend Our felicitations to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), his Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) and to all Momineen and Mominaat on this occasion of happiness in the household of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw).

    We extend our Joyous and Happy Greetings and Felicitations to all the followers and lovers of Holy Ahlul Bayt ( A.S.) in the world

    A good way to know Holy Fatima (s.a) is to look through her names. Each of her names and titles is a mirror to reflect her outstanding qualities.
    In a narration, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) is quoted as saying: "Fatima (s.a.) has nine names given by Almighty Allah: Fatima, Seddiqah, Mubarakah, Tahirah, Zakiyyah, Raaziyah, Marziyyah, Muhaddathah, and Zahra."
    1) Fatima; means separated and protected from ignorance and impurity, and the one who is kept away from the fire of hell; the one who is adorned with all virtues, merits, and purities; and the one who shall save herself and all her followers and lovers from the fire of hell.
    2) Seddiqah; means extremely honest; this title points out the degree of Fatima’s honesty and truthfulness as one of her outstanding qualities.
    3) Mubarakah; or blessed; as she was granted much blessings by Allah (S.W.T), and she herself was a source of abundant blessings. The offspring of the Holy Prophet all are descended from Fatima (s.a.).
    4) Taahirah; pure and chaste; as she was purified along with other members of the Household [Ahlul-Bayt] of the Holy prophet according to verse 33 of Surah Al-Ahzab in the Holy Koran: "Verily, Allah desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O People of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying…"
    5) Zakiyyah; the purified soul; purified from any kind of pollution or deficiency, a quality that made her attain the highest level of spiritual evolution and perfection.
    6) Raaziyah; the one who is content with Allah’s wills, surrenders herself to all that Allah (S.W.T) has predestined for her, and endures pains in the way of mission of Allah’s Messenger.
    7) Marziyyah; the one, with whom Allah and His Messenger and the Holy Imam are fully satisfied because of her impeccable worship, nice moralities, good fulfillment of duties, and all her good deeds.
    8) Muhaddathah; the one to whom the angels talked, the matchless lady who received some sort of divine inspirations. In this relation, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) is quoted as saying: "Fatima (s.a.) was named as Muhaddathah as an angel came to her continuously and talked to her in the same way that it (the angel) used to talk to Saint Mary. The angel told Fatima: "O Fatima! Allah (S.W.T) has selected you, purified you, and made you superior to all women throughout the world."
    9) Zahra; means luminous; as when she stood in her praying place, the angels in the heavens witnessed a glittering light, just like the starlight in the sky that glitters for the people on the earth.
    Oh Fatima (SA)
    The lady of light Daughter of our Prophet (SAW)
    The soul that is whiter than white On the highest of the heavens
    You are praised by all the lands Mother of Hassan and Hussain (AS)
    Beauty of Islam Zahra (SA) your light is shining
    Brighter than the sun Oh the flower of heavens
    You are the only one The apple of Muhammad’s (SAW) eyes
    The wife of Ali (AS) The role model for all women
    Upon arriving, the Prophet(sawaw) placed Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)’s hand in Imam Ali(a.s.)’s hand and said:

    "May Allah bless his Messenger’s daughter;
    Ali, this is Fatima, you are responsible for her (or I entrust her to you)
    Ali, what an excellent wife Fatima is!
    Fatima, what an excellent husband Ali is!
    O Allah, bless them, bless their lives, and bless their children.
    O Allah, surely they are the most beloved to me from among your creatures, so love them too, and assign for them a guardian.
    I place them and their progeny under your protection from the curse devil."

    Thursday, November 27, 2008


    Shahadat of Ninth Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s)
    On this Sorrowful and Sad occasion occasion of the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad(A.S.)
    Click to Know More About Imam (a.s)
    Our 9th Imam (as) lived a very short life. He (as) was born in the year 195 AH and was poisoned and killed in the year 225 AH. Thus his lifespan was only 30 years. But if we carefully study his short life, we will find that he (as) made enormous contributions to Islam and in addition, our Imam (as) has taught us through his behaviour, a very important lesson of self-control despite all riches.
    Our Imam (as) was young and we all know that in young age, people are usually very ambitious. If in young age, a person is surrounded by worldly wealth and luxuries; and there is no proper upbringing, the young man can fall into all sorts of vices. Our 9th Imam (as) lived for only 30 years – a period when a person is still considered as a youth and in these 30 years, most of his life was during the reign of Mamoon ar-Rasheed – the Abbasid ruler, who was responsible for the murder of our 8th Imam (as).

    Tuesday, November 11, 2008


    Salaams on you, O dearest Imam!
    O master of the sacred sanctuary
    You are majestic and kind
    You are the jewel of the crown of Muhammad

    Imam Raza (as)

    Imam Raza (as) told them the following hadith: "My father Musa al-Kadhim (as) told me, from his father Jafar Sadiq (as), from his father Muhammad al-Baqir (as), from his father Ali Zainul Abideen (as), from his father the martyr of Kerbala (Hussain) (as), from his father Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). from Angel Jibrail (as), from Almighty Allah: "The Kalima of 'La ilaha illallah' is My fort, and whosoever says it will enter My fort, and whosoever enters My fort is safe from My punishment."

    The Prophet of Allah (S.A.W) has said,

    Get together and advise each other and hold discussions. Such discussions refine your hearts. Hearts become rusted like swords and their refinement lies in academic religious discussions.

    The best gift we could give to our Holy imam (AS) is to try to emulate his conduct and improve our Akhlaq, as our dearest Imam has shown exemplary character, generosity and tolerance.
    The Imam (AS) has said that Allah (SWT) increases the dignity of those who forgive others


    ." May your troubles be less, May your blessings be more, May nothing but happiness come through your door!

    O Allah, We pray for early re-appearence of IMAM -E -ZAMAN(AS)

    May Allah hasten the re appearance of our 12th Imam, Imam Mehdi, and we pray to Allah to give us the faith to be alongside the Imam when he establishes justice in the world...

    Remember us in your Duas & Pray for all our Marhumins

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    The Love of Ahlul-Bayt

    The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Train your children in three things: the love of your Prophet, the love of his progeny, i.e. Ahlul-Bayt, and recitation of the Qur'an."

    AI-Jami'-ul-Saghir, vol. 1, p. 14

    Imam Sadiq [a] said: "He who is not able to do any good unto us (Ahlul-Bayt) then be may do good to our pious adherents; and he who is not able to visit us, he may visit our righteous followers by which the reward of visiting us (pilgrimage) will be recorded for him."

    Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 354

    Imam Baqir [a] said: "The best means by which servants can obtain nearness to Allah, Mighty and Glorious, is the obedience to Allah, the obedience to His Messenger, and the obedience to those charged with (spiritual) authority."

    Then, he [a] added: "The love of us (Ahlul Bayt) is Faith and the hatred of us is infidelity."

    Al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 187

    Imam Sadiq [a] said: "Verily, there are various degrees of serving Allah, but affection (and cordial inclination) for us, Ahlul Bayt, is the highest one."

    Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 27, p. 91

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Signs of Zahoor - e - Imam

    The most commonly reported signs of the that presage the advent of the Mahdi in Shia hadith are
    1. Before his coming will come the red death and the white death. The red death is the sword and white death is the plague.
    2. Several figures will appear: the one-eyed Dajjal, the Sufyani and the Yamani. Another figure, the Pure Soul (an-Nafs az-Zakiyya), will be assassinated.
    3. The sun will rise from the West and a star will appear in the East giving out as much light as the moon.
    4. The Arabs will throw off the reins and take possession of their land, throwing out the authority of the foreigners.
    5. A caller will call out from heaven.
    6. There will be a great conflict in the land of Syria until it is destroyed.
    7. Death and fear will afflict the people of Baghdad and Iraq. A fire will appear in the sky and a redness will cover them.

    Monday, October 6, 2008


    Jannat al-Baqi (جنة البقيع) (also spelt Jannat ul-Baqi) is a cemetery in Medina, Saudi Arabia, located across from the Masjid al-Nabawi, the mosque where Muhammed is buried. This cemetery contains many of Muhammad's relatives and companions. Its name means "The Garden of Heaven". Many traditions relate Muhammad issuing a prayer every time he passed the cemetery. Prior to the twentieth century, many of the graves were covered with domes or other structures.

    After the city of Medina was taken by King Ibn Saud, many of these tombs, originally intended to identify famous companions of Muhammad, were destroyed in 1925 in order to prevent people from visiting them in order to seek a means of approach to Allāh (a request for blessings, in this world or for intercessions in the hereafter). This, (tawassul), along with reading chapters from Islam's holy book, The Qur'an, is considered by some as being Shirk, the sin of idolatry. Namely the governors of two, of the three, of Islam's holy places consider these kinds of visits as Shirk, and therefore it should be eradicated in all forms. This is the reason why there exists a threat to the House where the Prophet of Islam was born, and other such places that some consider sacred.[citation needed]

    Despite this, the graves of many historic figures continue to be visited by numerous pilgrims, and burials continue at the cemetery up until this day.

    After the demolition of 1925, Saudi authorities have stepped up restrictions with regards to visiting graves. Shias come to Jannatul Baqi to pay respect to their leaders, and this often involves invoking the dead and reciting salutations. However, this goes against the principles of the Salafi interpretation of Islam, state-sanctioned within Saudi Arabia, and the result is that often books and maps of the graves are confiscated by the authorities.[citation needed]

    Many Shia continue to mourn the day that the House of Saud demolished graves in the Baqi cemetery, calling this day Yaum e Gham, literally meaning Day of Sorrow. They continue to protest the Saudi government's continuous demolition of shrines and ancient mosques in Saudi Arabia built over shrines. The Shia are the only ones who deem this permissible, or the only ones who do this.

    Some important personalities buried at Jannat al-Baqi

    There are holy shrines of Imam Hasan ibn Ali, Ali ibn Hosein, Mohammad ibn Ali and Jafar ibn Mohammad

    Wednesday, October 1, 2008

    Eid ul Fitr

    Eid ul-Fitr or Id-ul-Fitr, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid is an Arabic word meaning “festivity”, while Fiṭr means “to break the fast”. The holiday symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period. It is celebrated starting on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal (the tenth month of the lunar Islamic calendar). Muslims are commanded by the Qur’an to complete their fastings on the last day of Ramadan and then recite the Takbir (a proclamation of the greatness of Allah) all throughout the period of Eid.

    Eid ul-Fitr is a three day celebration and is sometimes also known as the “Smaller Eid” as compared to the Eid ul-Adha that lasts four days and is called the “Greater Eid”. Because the day depends on the sighting of the moon or scientific calculations of the Lunar Calendar, the exact date (in the Gregorian calendar) varies from country to country. However regardless, of the actual calendar date, Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of the lunar month of Shawal.

    To all our muslim brothers and sisters, EĪd mubārak (blessed Eid).

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    LAILATUL QADR : Night of Powers, Night of Destiny or Night of Majesty

    On the Night of Power pray to God with all your heart and He will definitely answer all your prayers. The Quran says : "Surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) on the grand night. And what will make you comprehend what the grand night. The grand night is better than a thousand months. The angels and Gibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair, Peace! It is till the break of the morning." (97:1-5)

    The Night of Power is full of blessings because the Eminent Quran descended in it. The Quran is peace by itself. It distinguishes between the good and evil and shows the path of eternal Peace and Bliss to all Mankind forever. This being so, the Night in which this Divine Book was sent down is worthy of great esteem. During this night, as explained in the verse quoted above, the Angels and the Heavenly spirit (Hazrat Gibreel Alai-his-Salam) descend. Their nearness to earth gives a spiritual luster to the hearts and souls of the believers. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and the 12 Imams (A.S.) passed this night in prayer and worship of God.

    Those who pass his night in Prayer, experience an unimaginable bliss, a deep feeling of great pleasure as a result of immense heavenly blessings in this night.

    Recite the Holy Quran, seek Allah’s forgiveness and pray for the good of this world as well as the hereafter.

    The A’maal of Shabe Qadr (19th, 21st & 23rd of Ramadan)

    Shab-e-Qadr is the night, which is the best night among the nights of the whole year. The "A’maal" (religious performances) of this night are better than the A’maal of 1000 nights. In this night the divine Annual Decree is passed. The Angels and Roohul Ameen (A highly dignified Angel) descend on this earth, in that night. These call on the Imam of the time, and what is ordained (by Allah) for everybody is presented before the Imam.

    The A’maal of Shab-e-Qadr are of two kinds. Some are common to all three nights others are particular for one of those three nights. The common A’maals are: -

    01. To take a bath. Allama Majlisi says, "It is better to take a bath before sunset so that the night prayers may be performed after bath".

    02. To offer two Raqats of Namaz, in every Raqat offer Surat-al-Hamd, and Surat-al-Tauhid/ Sure Ikhlaas (Kulhowallah) seven times, and after finishing the prayer 70 times recite: "Astaghfirullaaha Wa atoobu ilayh" i.e., "I seek forgiveness of Allah and I turn (repentant) to Him".
    03. The Holy Quran should be opened and placed in front, then one should recite, "Alaahumma inni asaloka be kitaabekal munzale Wa maa feeh, wa feehismokal akbaro wa asmaakal husnaa, wa maa yokhaafo Wa yurjaa an taj-alani min otaqaaeka minan-Naar", i.e., "O Allah treat me as one of those who are free from Hell, in the name of this Holy Book sent by Thee, whatever there be in the Book. Including Ism-e-A’azam and Asmaa-e-Husnaa and the things to be dreaded, the things that may be expected and desired, like blessings of Jannat. Do forgive through the grace of this book". (SALAWAT-After this he may beg from Allah whatever he wants).

    04. He should place the Holy Quran on his head and say, "Allaahumma be haqqe haazal Quran we be haqqe man arsaltahoo beh, Wa be haqqe kulle momenin madahtahoo feeh, we be haqqeka alaihim fa-laa ahada a’arafo be haqqeka mink", i.e., "O Allah! I appeal to Thee in the name of this Quran and the Rooh that was sent along with it, and in the name of the Momin (believer) whose praise is contained in this Book and Tine obligation that is on them. No one else recognizes the right and truth more than Thee". (SALAWAT-After this he should repeat 10 times each): -

    Then he should invoke to Allah whatever he likes.

    05. To recite the Ziarat of Imam Hussain (A.S.). According to Hadis, during Shab-e-Qadr an angel proclaims from the Arsh (Throne) on the Seventh sky, "Allah the Benevolent forgives him, whosoever performs the Ziarat of the grave of Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.)."

    06. One should keep himself awake throughout these three nights. The vigil during these nights carries great Sawab (heavenly reward).

    07. To offer 100 Raq’ats of Namaz. It has been highly recommended. It is better to recite (after Surat-al-Hamd) 10 times the Surat-al-Tauhid/ Sure Ikhlaas (Kulhowallah

    08. Recite: "Astagferullaah Rabbi Wa atoobo elaihe" 100 times (i.e., "I seek forgiveness of Allah and I turn (repentant) to Him").

    09. Recite: "Allaahummal’an Qatalatal Ameeril Momeneen" 100 times (i.e., "O Allah! condemn those who killed Ameerul Moimeneen Ali ibne Abi Talib").

    Du’a for the 19th night: -
    O One Who was before everything and then brought everything into existence. He will remain while all else will be destroyed. O the One sole and solitary excepting Whom there is none else in the high heavens or low earths or above and below them, or in between them who is worth worshipping. Only Thou art the deity and none else deserves to be worshipped. Thou only deserves the praise which cannot be encompassed but by Thee. Therefore bestow Peace and Blessings on Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.) such as no body else has the power to encompass.

    10. Recite the following Suras from the Holy Quran:
    ANKABUT (the Spider) 29th Sura.
    RUM (The Roman Empire) 30th Sura.
    DUKHAN (Smoke or Mist) 44th Sura.

    11. This du’a is to be recited: -
    I have passed the evening as a very humble servant of Thee. I have no control over the gains and losses for my person. I cannot remove any evil from myself. I depose against my conscience. I admit my weakness and inability of managing my affairs. Bestow Tine blessings on Mohammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal (A.S.). Whatever Thou hast given me or promised, fulfill that. Verily! I am Tine humble, weak and destitute servant. O Allah! Let me not forget the blessings that Thou hast bestowed on me, and let me not be forgetful about Tine kindness. Do not deny me Tine acceptance though it may be delayed, may it pertain to sorrow or happiness, and may it be connected with peace and tranquility or hardship and vicissitudes or pertaining to blessings. Thou hearse and accepts invocations in every condition.

    The Prophet (S.A.W.) when asked what should one invoke Allah during these nights, said: "Ask for your safety (here and in the hereafter)".

    DU’A: -
    O Allah! Whatever is decided and ordained by Thee during Lailatul Qadr (night of Destiny) is final and full of wisdom. Whatever changes are affected, in the Night in previous decrees that could not be changed by anybody else. Do let me be one of those whose Hajj is acceptable, whose efforts are rewarded, the efforts of those respected Hajis whose sins have been pardoned and whose errors have been forgiven. Add to my destiny the length of my life, increase my life, increase my livelihood and fulfill my desires. Note: Beg from Allah after this whatever you desire.

    Du’a for the 21st night: -
    O One Who turns day into night and night into day. O One Who brings out living from dead and dead from living. O One Who gives sustenance to whomsoever and whatsoever he likes. O Allah! O Merciful! O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! The best names are for Thee alone. The best examples are for Thee. The grandeur and choice things are for Thee. I beg of Thee to bless Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal (A.S.). Write down my name, in this night with the fortunate ones. Let my soul be in the company of the martyrs. Let my good acts be reckoned as "Illyeen" (exalted). Let my sins be condoned. Bestow on me that belief by virtue of which Thou may be nearest to my heart, that "Eemaan" which may remove all doubts from my mind. Let me be satisfied with that whatever Thou hast ordained for me. Let me have the virtues of this world and the other one (Aakherat or Hereafter). Save me from the fire of Hell. Let me be attentive to Tine praise and thanks and let me present myself in Tine court. Do bestow the same "taufique" (ability) to me which Thou hast bestowed upon Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal(A.S.).

    Lord of Lailatul Qadr! (Night of Destiny!) Who has made it better than 1000 months! O the Lord of the day and the night and the mountains and oceans, the Lord of light and darkness! O the Lord of the earth and the skies! O the Creator! O the Designer! O Kind! O One Who favours! O Allah Who maintains everything! O Allah! O the Kindest! O Allah! O the Creator of new things! O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! The best names are for Thee alone. Thou hast control over all virtues. I ask Thee to send blessings on Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal (A.S.). Write my name, in this Night of Qadr, among the names of the fortunate. Let my soul keep the company of the martyrs. Let my good deeds be reckoned with "Illiyeen" (those exalted). Forgive my sins. Bestow on me such belief that Thou may be nearest to my heart. Give me such understanding that all the doubts may be removed. Let me be contended over that which has been ordained for me: Let me have goodness and virtues in this world and the next. Save me from the glowing fire of Hell. Encourage me towards Tine remembrance with pleasure and to be penitent. Give me all those virtues that Thou hast given to Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.).

    image courtesy

    Saturday, September 20, 2008


    Name: Ali

    Title: Amir al-Muminin, Al-Murtaza

    Designation: 1st Imam

    Kunyat: Abul Hasan, Abul Hasnayn

    Father: Abu Talib

    Mother: Fatema Bint-e-Asad
    Born: 13th Rajab (600 AD)
    Died: 21st Ramadhan,40 AH (661 AD)
    Martyred: Poisonous Sword by Ibne Muljim
    (May the curse of Allah and his creatures befall on him)

    Buried: Najaf, Iraq


    On the 19th of Ramadan month (Mah-e-Ramazan) of the year 40 A.H, Imam Ali (pbuh) came to the mosque in Kufa for his morning prayers. Imam Ali (pbuh) gave the call for prayer (Azaan) and became engaged in leading the congregation. Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam pretending to pray, stood just behind Imam Ali (pbuh), and when Imam Ali (pbuh) was in a state of prostration, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam dealt a heavy stroke with his sword, inflicting a deep wound on Imam Ali’s (pbuh) head.

    The Holy Prophet (pbuh) had prophesied the assassination of Imam Ali (pbuh) and his issues. Regarding Imam Ali (pbuh) he (pbuh) had said, “O Ali! I see before my eyes thy beard dyed with the blood of thy forehead.” They assassinated Imam Ali (pbuh) at his finest time - the hour of standing before Allah, the Exalted, during a prayer of submission, in the best of days, while fasting during the month of Ramadan (Mah-e-Ramazan); during the most glorious Islamic duties, while preparing to wage jihad, and in the highest and most pure divine places, the Mosque of Kufa. May joy be to Amir al-Muminin Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (pbuh) and a blessed afterlife!

    The crime of assassinating Imam Ali (pbuh) remains one of the most cruel, brutal and hideous, because it was not committed against one man, but against the whole rational Islamic leadership. By assassinating Imam Ali (pbuh), they actually aimed at assassinating the message, the history, the culture and the nation of Muslims embodied in the person of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (pbuh). In doing so, the Islamic nation lost its guide of progress, and at the most wondrous opportunity in its life after the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Imam Ali (pbuh) suffered from his wound for three days, and He (pbuh) passed away on 21st of the month of Ramadan (Mah-e-Ramazan) at an age of 63 years. During these three days, he (pbuh) entrusted his son, Imam Hasan (pbuh) with the Imamate of guiding the nation ideologically and socially. During those three days, as during all his life, he never ceased remembering Allah, praising Him, and accepting Him and His ordinance. Likewise, he continued giving pieces of advice and directions leading to good, pointing to the right, defining the way to guidance, explaining the course for deliverance, calling for the observance of Allah’s ordinances, and warning against following one’s ill desires and set-backs from not carrying out the divine message.

    The following is one piece of advice offered to his sons, Imam Hasan (pbuh) and Imam Hussain (pbuh), as well as to his people, the nation and coming generations: “I advise you to fear Allah, and not to run after (the pleasure of) the world, even if it may run after you. Do not be sorry for anything from it which you have been denied. Say the truth and act for (Allah’s) reward. Be an enemy of the oppressor, and be a helper of the oppressed.” “I advise you, my children, my household and all those who may receive my message, to fear Allah, to arrange your affairs well, to maintain good relations among yourselves, for I have heard your grandfather (pbuh) saying: ‘Good relations are better than prayer and fasting in general.’” “(Fear) Allah when handling matters of orphans. Do not let them starve, nor allow them to be lost as long as you are there.” “(Fear) Allah in respect to your neighbors, for they were the trust of your Prophet (pbuh). He went on asking us to take care of them, so much that we thought he would make them heirs (of our heritage).” “(Fear) Allah in respect to the Holy Quran, (take care that) no one may excel you in following its tenets.” “(Fear) Allah in respect to prayer, as it is the pillar of your religion.” “(Fear) Allah in respect to your Lord’s House (Kaaba), do not forsake it so long as you live, because if you do you will not be looked upon with respect.” “(Fear) Allah in respect to Jihad, fight with your wealth, your lives and your tongues, in the way of Allah.” “Have mutual liaison and give-and-take. Beware of turning your faces from, and of renouncing, one another. Do not abandon bidding good and forbidding evil, lest vicious people may overrule you, and then in such a case, your invocations will not be responded to (by Allah).

    Then he said: “O, Banu Abdul Muttalib, certainly I do not want you to wade through the blood of the Muslims, crying: Amir al-Muminin was murdered. You certainly kill for me no one but my killer.” “Wait till I die by this stroke of him (Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam), then strike a single stroke against him, and do not disfigure his body, for I had heard the Holy Prophet (pbuh) saying: ‘Avoid mayhem even with a rabid dog.’” Such was the heroic end of this great man! The loss to the Mission and the nation was the gravest after the loss of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

    By the death of Imam Ali (pbuh) the nation lost: A heroism that had become the song of the time; A courageous history that has never dreamt of its like; A wisdom no one can fathom, save Allah; A purity, the like of which was only in the prophets; An abstinence from the pleasures of life that could be attained only by the nearest to Allah; An eloquence such as to be the echo of Book; and A jurisprudence, and a thorough knowledge of the laws of religion, that made him the ‘gateway of the city’ of the Prophet’s knowledge, and the authority to whom the Islamic nation referred in all its affairs. Peace be upon Amir al-Muminin the day he was born, the day he was martyred on his altar, and the day he shall be raised alive. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

    Regarding divine right of Imam Ali(A.S.)
    the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.) declared:

    Whomsoever I have authority over, Ali(A.S.) has also authority over him, O Allah! befriend whoever befriend him and be hostile to whosoever is hostile to him. The Prophet (S.A.W.) said to Imam Ali (A.S.) about what would happen to him in the month of Ramadhan: "‘...O' Ali, I weep for what they will do with you in this month. As if I am with you, and you are offering prayers to your Lord, when the worst of the foregone, and those who are yet to come, a brother of the person who slew the camel of Samood has come and gives you a (sword) blow on your head, which reddens your beard….O' Ali (A.S.) whoever kills you has killed me; whoever bears enmity to you is my enemy; whoever abuses you has abused me; because, indeed you are to me like my own self; your soul is from my soul; your nature is from my nature; Indeed Allah the Holiest and the Greatest, created me and you too; He chose me and you too; He selected me for Prophethood and selected you for Imamat; whoever denies your Imamat, has denied my Prophethood."