Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Its MUHARRAM and its BLACK everywhere

Ashura differs from one city to city, but a silken thread that binds each city is Imam Hussein, every city has its cultural ethnicity woven into the Azadari (rituals) of Hussein, but the cry of Ya Hussein remains the same.

The tears that drop like raindrops from eyes of the Shia's are universally the same, a precious drop that will ask for salvation on the Day of Judgment.Once again month of Muharram has arrived and Shias Muslims around the world will be dress in black.

The mosques will be jam-packed and decorated in black wall coverings with flags (A'lam) and replica shrines (Taziyas). Majalises (Assemblies) will be held every night during the first twelve days with poetic recitations such as marsiya, noha, latmiya and speeches pertaining to the martyrdom of Hussein-Ibne Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Muharum is a time to remember and mourn the sacrifices that Imam Husain, his kith and kin underwent to defend Islam.

Muharrum an important period of mourning in the Shite branch of Islam..This event starts at the 1st day of Muharram and continues for 10 days until 10th of Muharram, which is, know as Yawm-e-Ashura.

Imam's Hussein last words to his sister Zainab(s.a) were "Convey my Salutations( salaams) to all Muslims and put your trust in Allah and know that human being is born to die, and nothing will remain, everything shall pass away except the presence of His Almighty Allah." Imam then rode his horse into the face of Yazid's army to give his last sermon.

Hussain is the king, indeed he is the king of kings
Hussain is Deen and also the protector of Deen
He gave his head but not his hand of allegiance in the hand of Yazid
Indeed he was the founder (Like his grandfather) of the concept of One God.

Every day is Ashura and every land is Kerbala

O Allah! Hasten the reappearance of our master Imam-e-Zamaana (a.t.f.s.) and enlist us among his helpers and soldiers! Aameen

Remember us in your Duas & pray for all our Marhumins

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hadith's of imam jawaad (a.s)


1 - Take patience as your pillow , hug poverty , discard lusts , opposse your
self _ desire and know that you are seen by God , so look how you are
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P.478)

2 - Whoever had three thing , will never regret :
a) Refraining from haste
b) Consulting
c) and depending upon God when decision _ making
(Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Javad , P.247)

3 - Our wealth and soal are of God's pleasent gifts ( to us ) anf deposidet
trusts , they cause happiness and pleasure as long as we enjoy them , and reward
is for whatever is taken ( from us ) , so whose grief overcome his patience his
reward is lost , and we seek refuge to God from that
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P.479)

4 - The one who attended a matter and disliked it , is as the one who was
absent , and whoever was not present in an affair , whoever , was pleased with
it , is as the one who witnessed it
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P.479)

5 - Three things take the slave to God's pleasure :
a) Increase forgiveness asking .
b) Gentleness .
c) Increased charity _ giving
(Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Javad , P.247)

6 - Refrain from association with the evil person , because he is as the bare
awars having a beautiful appearance ( but ) an ugly effect
(Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Javad , P.243)

7 - Delaying repentance is being deceuted
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P.480)

8 - Delay in performing works always ( cause ) perplexity
(Tohaf Al_Okool ,P.480)

9 - Tending rewards God by hearts is more impressive than tiring members by
(Mesand Al_Imam Al_Javad , P.244)

10 - Insisting in sins is ( feeling ) secured from Allah's plan " But none
feels secure from Allah's plan except to the people who shall perish
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P. 480)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hazrat Fatima Zehra (SA)- Wonderful Story of Birth

The Holy Prophet (SAW) – through a divine command – was ordered to seclude himself from contact with Khadija (SA) for 40 days. Despite all his love for his dear wife, the Holy Prophet (SAW) did not go home in compliance with Allah's order. During the whole 40-day period of his seclusion, Mohammad (SAW) was engaged in prayers, fasting, and spiritual connections with his Lord. The Holy Prophet (SAW) had sent a courier to Khadija to notify her of the matter and assure her that there was nothing wrong with her and that the event had happened as a result of Allah's command.

When the seclusion stage came to its end, at the time of Iftar (while the Holy Prophet (SAW) was preparing himself to end his fasting by eating food), he heard the familiar voice of Archangel Gabriel: "Allah sends His salaams to you! Get ready to receive the celestial gift from your Lord!"

Then angels brought down a tray full of heavenly fruits for Mohammad (SAW). Gabriel (AS) told him: "Eat from this heavenly dish tonight; then go to Khadija; Almighty Allah has willed to create a pure child out of this blissful food."

Nine months passed. During her pregnancy, Khadija (SA) talked to the baby in her womb; a baby, who turned out to be the most supreme lady among the mankind from the very first to the last. Finally Archangel Gabriel brought glad tidings to the Holy Prophet (s.a.): "O Messenger of God! This baby is a much dignified daughter. All your offspring and descendants shall be descended from her. She is the mother of Infallible Imams: the religious leaders who shall be your successors when the divine revelation would end (after your demise)." The Holy Prophet (SAW) transmitted the good tidings to Khadija (SA) to make her heart happy with the promising news.

Some years earlier, when Khadija had married Mohammad (SAW), the aristocratic ladies of her tribe (entitled Quraysh) left her alone and cut off their relations with her as an objection to her decision in marrying Mohammad. When the time for childbirth approached, Khadija dispatched someone to go to the ladies of Quraysh and ask them to help her in the process of giving birth to her baby, but they refused to help Khadija even at that difficult time.

At that crucial moment, when Khadija had lost hope to receive any help from the ladies of Quraysh, she sought assistance from her Lord. By the grace of Allah, four of the most beautiful women in white dressings came to help her in that time of need. They had bowls of heavenly water in their hands. Each one began to introduce herself. The first one said, "I am your foremother, Eve". The second one said, "I am Asiya daughter of Muzahim, Pharaoh's wife". The third one said, "I am Kulthum, Moses' sister", and the fourth one said, "I am Mariam (Saint Mary) daughter of Imran, mother of Jesus Christ; we have come to deliver your child".

So with the help of these heavenly ladies, Fatima (s.a.) was delivered, and the brightness and brilliance of her face illuminated the sky from east to west. The four holy ladies bathed the baby with heavenly water, wrapped her in heavenly clothes, and put her on the lap of Khadija (SAW). The baby was named Fatima, because she and her followers shall be protected from the fire of hell. The news of Fatima's birth reached the Holy Prophet (SAW). He was extremely delighted to hear the joyful news. He perceived that the divine promise of giving him the Kawthar (the Abundant Blessing) had been fulfilled.

At the same time that the birth of Holy Fatima (s.a.) had made the Holy Prophet and Khadija (SA) happy, the enemies of Islam became disappointed and upset as they used to call the Holy Prophet as Abtar - i.e. the one who shall be without posterity (as all his children had died due to different reasons) - but now they saw that he was given an abundant blessing through the birth of Holy Fatima (SAW).

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Suffering of Fatema Zahra (s.a) -- Attack on her house

One day after the demise of holy prophet (SAW) , Umer Ibn al-Khattab (LA) came to the house of Imam Ali (AS). Talha and Zubair and some of the immigrants were also in the house. Umar cried out: "By God, either you come out to render the oath of allegiance, or I will set the house on fire."

Al-Zubair came out with his sword drawn. As he stumbled (upon something), the sword fell from his hand so they jumped over him and seized him."

Then Umar (LA) told those people who had gathered around him to collect wood. They all collected and Umar (LA) himself lifted (the wood) and went to the House of Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fatima (SA) and their two sons (peace be upon them) and arranged wood all around the house and said in a voice loud enough to make Ali (peace be upon him) and Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) hear: “By God, O Ali come out and pay allegiance to the Caliph of the Prophet of Allah, otherwise we will burn your house.”

Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) said: “O Umar, what do you have to do with us?” He replied, “Open the door or otherwise we will burn your house.” Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) said: “O Umar, are you not afraid of Allah and are you entering our house?” Umar refused to return. He asked fire to be brought and set the door on fire, then he pushed it and entered. Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) came in front and screamed loudly: “O father, O Prophet of Allah.

Umar (LA) raised his sword with the shield and hit her on the side. She screamed, “O father.” He then lifted a whip and hit her on the hand and she cried: “O Prophet of Allah, Abu Bakr and Umar behaved very badly after you.” Ali (peace be upon him) rushed, held him by his neck and pushed him away and Umar fell down and hurt his neck and nose. Ali (peace be upon him) intended to kill him…”

Imam Ali (AS) refrained from raising his sword against the attackers as per the will of Prophet Muhammad who had taken a promise from Ali (AS) to remain patient if he does not get enough sincere supporters for his cause.

The Apology from the Shaykahyn

A few days later both Umar and Abu Bakr visited Fatima Zahra (SA) at her house. She refused to see them. Ali (A.S.) persuaded her at least to listen to what they had to say. A curtain was draped in the middle of the courtyard inside the walls of her house. She sat on one side of the curtain with her back to it, the visitors being on the other side. She asked tersely as to the reason of their visit. They both said that they had come to apologize for their wrongdoings and excesses. She refused to acknowledge the apology. Instead, the following dialogue ensued between them.

Fatima: If I remind you of some of the sayings of my father, would you confirm them?

Abu Bakr: Yes.

Fatima: Do you remember that my father had said - Fatima is a piece of me, whoever hurts her actually hurts me and whoever hates her actually he hates me?

Abu Bakr: Yes, I remember.

Fatima: So, now I say that you have shown enmity towards me, you have hurt me; get out of my house; I have nothing more to say to you.Thus ended this meeting.

Historians have reported that Fatima Zahra (SA) was never reconciled to Abu Bakr and Umar and she strictly asked Imam Ali (AS) never ever to call those two to her funeral.

Fatima Zahra (SA) did not survive more than ninety day after the demise of her father, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). Before her demise she bequeathed the following as her will to Imam 'Ali:

1. O ` Ali, you will personally perform my funeral rites.

2. Those who have displeased my should not be allowed to attend my funeral.

3. My corpse should be carried to the graveyard at right.

It is reported that when Imam Ali (AS) was washing the remains of Fatima Zahra (A.S.) at one point he screamed and wept. Later, his cousin, Abdullah ibn Abbas, asked him about it. Imam Ali (AS) explained that the door that was kicked in on her actually broke her ribs. Out of her pride, though, Fatima Zahra (A.S.) never disclosed her full injuries to anyone. That was what he discovered when bathing her remains.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Birth Anniversary of IMAM HASAN ASKARI (A.S)

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S) was born in Madina on the 10th of Rabuil Akhar 232 Hijri. The word ‘Asker’ in arabic is used for army. Our 11th Imam’s title became known as Askari, the one who lived all his life in a garrison town.

Imam once wrote in his letter to Ali ibne Babweh Qummi:

"Praise be to Allah. As you are from our shias so I advise you:

• Be pious and virtuous

• Forgive and pardon the mistakes of people
• Suppress your anger
• Do sila-e-Rehmi (do good with your relatives)
• Help the needy
• Get acquaintance with Holy Quran
• Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and perform ibadat

follow my commandments and induce others to do so.

Some Aamal of this glorious and blessed day are reported which are as under:

• To keep fast;

• Perform aamal -e - Khair;
• Recite Ziarat-e-Jamia

Heartiest Congratulations to All Momineen on this Blessed Occasion.


Monday, March 1, 2010


Eid e Zehra is a day of celebration, a day in which even the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) rejoiced! This day holds importance due to numerous events that transpired on this day in history.

One of the events which is marked on this day is the beginning of the Imamate of our 12th Imam, al-Hujjah ibn al-Hasan (may Allah hasten his return). His father, Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS) left this world on the 8th and, immediately after, his son took over the mantle of leadership. His leadership has spanned over 1,160 years, and as he is the living and present Imam, we have the potential of being his 'companions' just as great personalities such as Bilal, Salman, Abu Dharr, Maitham and countless others were companions of their living Imams. However, we need to strive to emulate such individuals and work towards being our Imam's chosen helpers and assistants.

The day also marks the first time that our 4th Imam smiled and rejoiced after the tragic events of Kerbala in which he saw his entire family and loyal friends murdered in cold blood by Ibne Ziyaad, Umar ibne Sa'd, Yazid ibne Mu'awiyah and the others who were responsible for the crimes. It is noted that the Prophet of Islam himself was seen smiling and 'celebrating' on this day while in the presence of Imams Ali, Hasan and Husain and said, "It is on this day that Allah will destroy your enemies and the enemies of your grandfather and it is on this day when Allah will accept the actions of your Shi'a and those who love you. This is the day when the words of Allah came true where He said (in the Qur'an): 'So those are the houses fallen down because they were unjust.' (27:52) And this is the day when the Pharaoh (Firawn) of the time of the Ahlul Bayt was destroyed ..."

We pray to Allah (SWT) to keep us firm on His path,

and to always protect us from negligence in discharging

our duties towards Him and our Living Imam (A.J), and to also include us among the Imam (A.J) helpers and companions –Ameen

O Allah! Grant us the taufeeq that we develop the sincere love of our Imam in our hearts! Aameen!

May Allah hasten the re appearance of our 12th Imam, Imam Mehdi, and we pray to Allah to give us the faith to be alongside the Imam when he establishes justice in the world...

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Remember us in your Duas and pray for all our Marhumins

Monday, January 11, 2010


Imam Ali, Zain al-Abideen (AS), was only two years of age when his grandfather, Imam Ali (Pbuh) was killed during prayers in the holy month of Ramadhan in the main mosque of Najaf (near Kufa). He was a youth of fourteen years when he saw the life and the painful death of his uncle Imam Hasan (Pbuh). He was about twenty-three years when he accompanied his father, Imam Husain (Pbuh) and witnessed the events of the tragedy of Karbala.

Before he finally left his camp, Imam Husain (Pbuh) came to the bedside of his sick son Ali, and bestowed the onerous duty of Imamate on him.

Imam Ali Ibn-e al-Husain (Pbuh) survived the massacre only because he was physically unable to go out to the battlefield due to his sickness. However, on the next day after that blood event, he was hand tied and put in shackles, and marched on foot from the battlefield, first to Kufa and then to Damascus.

On this journey of painful suffering, his aunt Hazrat-e Zainab (SA), the sister of Imam Husain (pbuh) and other surviving widows and children, accompanied him.

After Karbala, he lived for another thirty-four years under the tyrannical rule of several Marwanid caliphs who took personal gratification in inflicting abuse and torture to him and his followers.

Imam Sadiq (A) recounts from his father, Imam Baqir (A), who inquired from his father Imam Sajjad (A), in what condition had Yazid (the accursed) summoned him ?

Imam Sajjad (A) replied:

"I was made to mount a lame camel that was without any saddle. Imam Hussain's severed head gazed at us from atop the lance. Our ladies trailed us mounted on mules. Yazid's sentries held guard on the rear side. Raised lances and spears hovered threatening around us. If one of us dared to shed even a single tear (in grief), he/she was subjected to agonising prodding of lances in the head. This was until we reached Damascus and one of the Syrians announced our arrival thus, 'O people of Sham, these are the prisoners from the accursed clan!'" (We seek refuge in Allah) !!