Monday, February 23, 2009


First Infallible Description:

Name: Muhammad (Ahmad)

Title: Al-Mustafa, Rasulullah

Designation: Last Prophet of Allah

Kunyat: Abul Qasim

Father: Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib

Mother: Amina Bint-e-Wahab

Born: 12th/17th of Rabi'a 1 (570 AD)

Died: 28th Safar 11 AH (632 AD)

Martyred by: Natural

Buried: Medina Al-Munawwarah

Lived: 63 years

External Links: Urdu English

First Infallible Sayings:

  • The most honored among people who is pious, and the strongest among people who depends on Allah.
  • A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die.
  • To extend consideration towards neighbors and send them presents are charitable acts.
  • To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female.
  • The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.
  • Whoever suppresses his anger, when he has in his power to show it, God will give him a great reward.
  • He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.
  • Deal gently with a people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn not.
  • Much silence and a good disposition; there are no two works better than these.
  • One who does not practice modesty and does not refrain from shameless deeds is not a Muslim.
  • Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother.
  • He who wishes to enter Paradise must please his father and mother.

Fourth Infallible Description: Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.)

Name: Al-Hasan

Title: Al-Mujtaba

Designation: 2nd Imam

Kunyat: Abul Muhammad

Father: Ali Ibne Abu Talib

Mother: Fatima Bint-e-Muhammad

Born: 15th Ramadan 3 AH (625 AD)

Died: 28th Safar 50 AH (670 AD)

Martyred: Poisoned by Joda

Buried: Cemetery of Jannatul Baqi

Lived: 47 years

Imam Hasan

Fourth Infallible Sayings: Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.)

  • Be prepared for your traveling (for Akhira), and keep ready your necessity before your death comes.
  • O' Son of Adam! Since the day you left your mother's womb you life has been on the decrease. Therefore, avail yourself of that between your hands for the hereafter, because the believer takes provisions (from this world) and the disbeliever only takes his leisure (from this world).
  • If you fail to obtain something of worldly benefit, take it as if the thought of it had never crossed your mind at all.
  • Never did a nation resort to mutual counsel except that they were guided by it towards maturity.
  • It is love which brings closer those who are remote by ancestry, and it is (the absence of) love which causes dissociation between those who are related by ancestry.
  • Opportunity is something which is quick to vanish and late to return.
  • I wonder about the person who contemplates about his nutrition but he does not consider (the food of) his intellect. Thus, he avoids of what hurts him in his stomach but he lets his mind to be filled with what destroys him.
  • Associate with and treat the people in way as you like to get associated and treated by them.
  • The one who continues his visits (going and coming) to the mosque does lay his hands upon one of eight benefits:
    • (Getting to know) one of the decisive verses.
    • Finding a beneficial brother.
    • Fresh knowledge.
    • A mercy waiting for him.
    • A word leading to the guidance.
    • An admonition averting from sin.
    • Not committing sin out of scheme.
    • Not committing sin for the fear of Allah.
  • When the desirable and commendable services damage and harm the obligatory services, abandon them.