We send our congratulations to our Twelfth Imam and the Fourteenth Infallible, the living Hujjah, Imam Muhammed Al-Mahdi (AS), our righteous scholars and Ulama, and to the Muslim world on the happy and Marvelous Eid,
your family, friends and loved ones,
A Happy, Blessed and Peaceful Eid-Al-Mubahala
May the BRIGHT LIGHT of the festival fill you & your family with the Light of Joy, Peace, Health, Wealth and Happiness
This is the day of victory of Muslims over Christians and was such an important event that ever since it is celebrated as a day of Eid by Muslims. The event of Mubahala occurred in the 10th of Hijrah
When we study the event of Mubahila and the outcome, we can conclude it is a day of ‘celebration’ and ‘happiness’ for those who choose to follow the message of Rasulullah as expounded by the Ahlul Bayt. In order to understand why this day is one of “Eid”, we need to review the historical account of what had transpired prior to the event taking place.
As was the directive of Allah to His Prophet, he was constantly writing letters to the various religious leaders inviting them to salvation and the path of prosperity – Islam. Some accepted his call while others remained headstrong and on their own path. One such invitation was to the Christians of Najran, situated in Yemen. They decided to meet with the Messenger of Allah in Madina and to discuss the issue of Prophet Jesus (Isa) with him directly and to get more information on the Prophet Muhammad’s ‘new’ faith.
Arriving in Madina, they began their debates with the Prophet and asked him numerous questions which culminated with the status of Jesus. The Christians of Najran asked about the Muslim stance to which, through the Divine Words of Allah of the Qur’an, the Prophet replied, “Surely the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him 'Be', and he was. (This is) the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputers.” (3:59-60)
Not happy with the Muslim response on the status of Jesus, the Qur’anic revelation came down which proclaimed: “Should anyone argue with you (Muhammad) concerning him, after the knowledge has come to you, say, ‘Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down God’s curse upon the liars.” (3:61)
The Noble Prophet had read the Qur’anic verse to the Christian delegation inviting them to a ‘Mubahala’ – a session in which the wrath of Allah is prayed upon those who are unjust and covering the truth. The Christians consulted with each other and ultimately announced their acceptance of the challenge.
Early the next morning, the Noble Prophet sent Salman al-Farsi to the open field which had been chosen just outside of Madina for this historic event. He was asked to set up a small shelter for the Prophet and those he intended to take along with him for the contest. When the Prophet, on the morning of 24th of Dhul Hijjah emerged from his sacred abode, he was seen holding Imam Husain in his arms, clutching the tiny hand of Imam Hasan, his beloved daughter Fatima in the assembly followed by Ali ibne Abi Talib.
Upon seeing such personalities making their way to the field of the Mubahilah, the head of the Christian delegation proclaimed, “Verily I see a divine light on the face of our combatants; I see such faces that were they to pray to their God, they would be able to make the mountains move from their spots! Therefore beware! Never try to contest with them, otherwise you will perish and the entire nation of Christians will succumb to extinction!”
With this, the Christians of Najran gave up the opportunity to participate in the Mubahilah and submitted to the Prophet as minorities living in Muslim lands. This event, in all of its greatness and splendor gives us the following things to seriously think about:
- The status of Islam as THE FINAL and ONLY religion. If “religious pluralism” existed (in the definition which is being promoted today), what need was there for this event to transpire?
- This event clearly laid down the rule that Allah is the sole authority on deciding affairs of the religion – there is no ‘consultation’ process when it comes to key issues of the faith and its actual shaping and formation.
- The status of four individuals of the family of the Prophet was laid down – these were to be the Ahlu’l Bayt – and this select group never included and shall never include the wives nor any of the companions – no matter how good they happen to be.
- Ali was judged as being the “self” of the Prophet – not an outside individual who happened to be in the family of the Prophet – rather, his level and status was that he was “equal” to the Prophet.