Hazrat Sajjad (A.S.) and the Sahifa-e-Sajjadia
When the Imam got stuck in a tight corner and was virtually besieged he was obliged to state his objects and motive in the form of the prayers. These prayers have been compiled in the shape of a book named "Sahifa-e-Sajjadia." This is an ocean of topics and objects of science, mathematics, physics, astronomy, social and political sciences and ethics. Obviously and apparently this is a book of prayers.
But, in fact, this is the expression of fact, pains, and difficulties. We present here a few sentences of it as a specimen.
1. Oh God! I take asylum and refuge with you from the revolt, and rebellious (attitude) refractoriness, of the anger and jealousy and the scarcity of patience, and extravagance and intemperance in life.
Oh God! Keep me alive till my life is led in your service and obedience and when it becomes the pasture and meadow of Satan, take me towards yourself and take my life."
2. Oh sons! Respect you father and mother because if the father was not there you would not have come into existence. Look at the mother that she looks after you with all of her existence (energies). She is not afraid of it that she herself remains hungry and feeds you. She herself remains cloth less (without dress) and covers (dresses) you. She remains in the sun and places you in the Shadow. You cannot thank her. This is God who has the power of thanking her (giving her the reward).
3. Watch over and attend your child because his good or bad (virtues) are related and connected to you and you are responsible for his training and guidance.
4. Be kind to your brother and sister because he/she is your hand (helper) and your power. Help him against the enemy and be his well wisher.
5. Respect your teacher and be polite in his assembly (session) and listen carefully to his words. Do not talk loudly before him. If somebody questions him about something do not reply before he does although you may know the answer to that (question).
6. Respect your neighbor and help and assist him. If you happen to observe a fault or sin of him do hide it and when he slips (commits sin) admonish him.
7. Be just in your conduct and behavior with friend and love him as he loves you.
If he makes up his mind to commit a sin stop him from that and always be a blessing for him, not a torment for him.
Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom
At last after bearing grief's and inconveniences the magnanimous and great Imam (A.S.) was poisoned and martyred by Hasham Ibn-e-Abdul Malik on 25th of Moharram, 95th Hijrah and was buried in the graveyard of Baqi, beside the grave of Imam Hassan (A.S.) and today his gave is the site of visit for the lovers and adorers of his path.