Hazrat Qasim (as) – coolness of Imam Hassan (as)’s heart
Hazrat Qasim ibn-e-Hassan (a.s.) was born on 7th of the holy month of Shaban Al-Moazzam, 47 AH, three years before his father was martyred. He was taken into care by Imam Hussein (a.s.). Imam Hussein (a.s.) and Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) trained Hazrat Qasim (a.s.) from this tender age and transformed him into a brave and courageous fighter during a short period. Standard-bearer of Husseini Army Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) specially devoted time in teaching him swordsmanship.
When Imam Hussein (a.s.) prepared to depart Medina in the month of Rajab 60 AH, Hazrat Qasim (a.s.)’s mother Hazrat Umm-e-Farwa (a.s.) asked Imam Hussein (a.s.) to take her and Qasim with him. Imam Hussein (a.s.) agreed.
13-year-old Hazrat Qasim (a.s.), grandson of Ali Al-Murtaza (a.s.), nephew of Abbas Alamdar (a.s.), son of Hassan Al-Mujtaba (a.s.) and son-in-law of Hazrat Imam Hussein (a.s.), was valiant, courageous and handsome in the outlook like the moon of 14th night.
His love for religion of Islam and Chief of Martyrs Hazrat Imam Hussein (a.s.), and desire for martyrdom could be judged from the fact that when Imam (a.s.) said that we all will be placed at the pedestal of Martyrdom, Prince Qasim (a.s.) asked whether his name would also be included in those martyrs. Imam (a.s.) asked him “Son, how do you find the death?” Qasim ibne Hassan (a.s.) replied: “Uncle, I see death sweeter than honey”.
Spirit of martyrdom and display of courage and bravery in
♥ Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Qasim ibn Hasan a.s (قاسم بن حسن) son of the Second Holy Imām, Hasan ibn Ali a.s, and grandson of the First Holy Imām, Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s. My felicitations and greetings to Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon), Imam Hasan a.s [Father], Umm Farwa s.a [mother], Imam-e-Zamana a.s, the Ahl-e-Bait a.s and to all the Momineen and Mominaat...
♥ Tohfa-e-Darood ♥
الّلهمَّ صلِّ على محمَّد وآل محمَّد وعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُ
O! Allah Bless Mohammed s.a.w and his progeny.