Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Name: Hasan

Title: Al-Askari

Designation: 11th Imam

Kunyat: Abu Muhammad

Father: Ali Ibne Muhammad

Mother: Saleel/Hadeesa Khatoon

Born: 8th Rabi'a 2 232 AH (846 AD)

Died: 8th Rabi'a 1 260 AH (874 AD)

Martyred: Poisoned by Mo'tamad

Buried: Samarra, Baghdad

Lived: 28 years

Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)

1. Lead a simple life and avoid spending lavishly and with immoderation.

2. Reach whomsoever, solute him and when you arrive an assembly, sit at a low place became, this is from the humbleness.

3. Avoid telling lie, as it is the key to the evils.

4. Whosoever is not a friend of Ahl al-Bayth (A.S.) is a hypocrite.

5. Whosoever has faith in the resurrection day and hereafter, fulfills his commitments (promises).

The Martyrdom of Imam (A.S.)

Imam (A.S.) was four years of age, when he was exiled to Samarra along with his father. He was placed under the caliph's observation at a point, which was the center of the armed forces. Pertinent to the same, he became famous and known by the byname of Askar.

Following the death of his father, the Abbasade caliph "Motamid" imprisoned him. The piety, and chastity of Imam (A.S.) attracted the attention of all the prisoners towards him, and made them all enticed and enchanted. The officials and agents of the caliph daily reported to the caliph as to his condition.

Eventually, he was martyred on the 8th of Rabi ul Awwal 260 Hijrah and was buried at Samarra near the grave of his father.

After his martyrdom his brother "Jaffar Kazzad", who was a gone astray man and was counted as one of the helpers of the caliph, stood up to offer the funeral prayer upon the body of Imam (A.S.). But all of a sudden, the son of the Imam (A.S.), who was a minor, came forward and pushed his uncle back and stood upon his uncle's place and offered the funeral prayer upon his father's body. Thereafter, the short absenteeism and occultation period started. Only a segment of special Shias could meet him.

But following the activities of the Abbasade caliphs to search his hiding place, the long occultation and absenteeism period set in, so that no one could reach him. He will remain hidden from the sights till such day that the ground for his revolution is available.

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