The night between 14 and 15 Shaban, known, as 'Shab-e-Bara'at' is the night of blessings and glory.
Hazrat Imam Jafer-e-Sadiq (AS) reported that Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) was asked about the merit and excellence of this night then Imam replied,
" It is one of those nights being bestowed with honor and dignity. In this holy night Allah grants His servants and forgives them with His graciousness, kindness and FAVOR. So try to find out nearness to Allah. In fact this is that glorious night that Allah Almighty swore by Him 'not to turn back any one empty handed.'
The honor of this night touches heights and elevation as in the same night at the time of seher (pre-dawn) Hazrat Saheb al Asr-e-Wazzaman - the 12th successor of Holy Prophet was born in the year 255 A.H. in Samarah, Iraq.
There are many Aamal reported to be performed in this night - some of them are as under:
1- To take bath
2- Cease to sleep and spend the night in ibadat, prayer, recitation of Holy Quran and istighfar as was the practice of Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS);
3- To recite Ziarat of Imam Hussain (A.S) which is the best amal of this night and a source of forgiveness of sins. It is reported from Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abedeen (A.S) that he who wants to shake hand with the souls of one lakh and 24 thousands prophets, should recite ziarat of Imam Hussain (AS):
4- To recite dua-e-kumail
5- To recite hundred times:
Subhanallahe Wal humdulillahe Wa allahokber Wa la Ilaha Illalla
( Imam Baqir (AS) said he who recites this will be pardoned and Allah will fulfill his all wishes of the world and hereafter)
6- To offer 4-rakaat prayer with 2 Salams. In each rakat recite sura Ikhlaas hundred times after sura Hamd.
To recite 10-rakaat prayer with 5 Salams. In each rakat recite sura Ikhlaas ten times after sura Hamd.
7- To present Areeza-e-Hajaat in the bargah of Hazrat Saheb al Asr (ATF) at the time of pre-dawn.
15th of Sha'aban is the day of glory, honor, dignity and blessings as it is the Birth anniversary of Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (Ajja lallahu farajahu).
He is the Imam of our era and a hadith of Holy Prophet (PBUH &HP) goes:
'One, who dies without knowing the Imam of his time, dies a death of ignorance (Jahalat).'
Hazrat Imam Mehdi, al-Qa'em, Saheb-al-Asr Wazzaman (ATF) is our Imam, Imam of our era and as the verse 71 of sura Bani Israel says:
"(Remember) the day (of Judgement) when we shall call every people with their Imam."
We will be called and presented with our Imam on resurrection day.
The messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH & HP) said, " If there was one day left for the world, Allah the Almighty will prolong that day so that my son, whose name is the same as mine, will arise. He will fill the world with justice and fairness as it was filled with oppression and tyranny.
Some aamal of this glorious day are:
1- To wear new and fine dress;
2 -To keep fast;
3 -To recite ziarat of Hazrat Saheb al Asr (ATF)
4-To pray for Imam's haste appearance
اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ، ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعا وتمتعه فيها طويلا، برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمن"
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